Leyland Mark Lodge  No.1002
Wellington Park, Church Rd, Leyland
New Lodge Banner Dedication Meeting
Thurs 12th March 2019
This special meeting could be viewed in two ways, both Happy and Sad, we will deal with the sad part first as this is the last meeting of Leyland Mark to be held at Wellington Park, after meeting here for many years due to the imminent closure of the Hall, that said the members of the Lodge decided “Let’s go out with a bang”, and what better statement could they make as to the faith they have in the future of their Lodge than to purchase a wonderful New Banner complete with all the members names embroidered on the back.
Set off later than usual with my nephew driving again and after the last trip to Southport via Blackpool I decided to take a survival pack with me just in case we finished up in Wales ! Now the journey was fine we must have been in one of those time slots which you sometimes get, after the early flyers and the late starters we got to Burlington Gardens in pretty quick time. Here I will just mention that my old Opel has now moved on to a better place, I only hope it gets well treated, I left it parked up in the rain and must admit I had a tear in my eye but never mind as a famous lecturer in American History once told me when in Memphis “Nothing stays the same, everything changes”
DC’s always Happy
The one and only DC
The WM’s Ready
A True Masonic Gentleman
When I Step Off
Wonderful Music
Casual or What
When I got to the Lodge room there he was putting members of the team through their paces, W.Bro. David Emmerson the Prov DC we are all so proud of, he is usually well supported by a Prov Dep DC and one or two Asst DC’s. who he has brought up to a very high standard over the past few years. Once the practise was over everyone made their way down stairs for a quick cup of coffee or something a little stronger and of course lots of happy chat.
True Mark Men
Are you sure I’m on the List
The New Banner
Reverse of the New Banner
Ready for the meeting
The meeting opened on time at 6pm, the usual housekeeping was dealt with, confirming minutes, passing of accounts etc then it was time for the PGM RW Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore to enter accompanied by Grand and Acting Prov Grand Officers, once everyone was seated the PGM opened a Provincial Lodge Meeting and various officers were then requested to take post just as in a Provincial meeting.
PGM always ready to listen
Two Degrees
It’s in here somewhere
Don’t pull that thread
The DC was requested to form up a Banner Deputation, before which two well known hymns were sung with great gusto, “O God Our Help In Ages Past” and “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah” the deputation entered with the new banner and were requested to escort it to the East, the PGM stepped down from the chair of Adoniram and proceeded to present it into the safe keeping of the Lodge W.M. W.Bro. Glenn Hornby.
V.W.Bro. Revd Stephen Leech P.G.S.O., Prov Grand Chaplain then gave a brilliant oration regarding the history of the Lodge since it was founded in 1944, which of course meant the country was still in a state war at that time, I would imagine this must have taken great effort and foresight which has lasted to this day and shows in the fact that the members having created this wonderful banner are making a statement as to what they believe will be a long lasting future of Leyland Mark Lodge.
A Ghost Photographer
A group shot & one behind the banner
A smiling group
Nearly time for the Festive Board
Two Pals 
I’ll spread them about a bit
Two Acting Officers
Now it was time for the PGM to retire from the Meeting accompanied by Acting Grand, Acting Provincial Grand   Officers and Distinguished Guests to retire, on the business being completed everyone gathered for a photos to be taken to record the event, then it was downstairs for some liquid refreshment and interesting chat from all over the Province.
DC’s Cheers
PGM & WM Cheers
Asst,  Dep,   & PGM
WM IPM Cheers
Festive Board

I’ve Lost My Seat

The Festive Board was all laid out in fine style and once everyone had taken up their seats an excellent meal was served up by friendly, efficient staff, the usual Toasts and responses followed the meal and here’s the sad part, unfortunately I had to leave before the PGM gave his response which of course would have included his special joke, I can only hope that someone present will have recorded it for me so that I can add it to my collection.
Prov JW
Content Now
Norton I can’t find my glasses.
Tylers Toast
Here's to the next Mark Meeting, to meet the friends I know and those I have yet to meet,
Mark Well.
Austin N Fletcher. GStwd.     Flixton Shepherd Eastwood Mark.  No.1173
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